What we do

Shipping cycles are legendary, scary to some, making successful investing in ships a strategic waiting game.

We create transparent ship-owning companies for intelligent investors who have their own opinion and don't wish to invest in existing companies with their associated baggage.

Many shipping investing companies are not Clicked together correctly.

That’s why investing in existing structures can be perilous.

Again, investing in ships should be easy, all the building blocks are out there.  You just have to put them together correctly without making them co-dependent.

7C CLICK Maritime makes investing in our uncertain industry a bit more certain.

How we do it

While preserving the autonomy of each of the three basic elements as equals (classically in shipping one of the three is dominant), brings together:

  • technical manager
  • commercial manager
  • company accounting


In that context, our strategic goal is to establish and maintain as paramount the interests of the most important element of all, the Investors.

Every company we create suits the investors not the investment, giving them the opportunity to exit or enter whichever segment they wish at whatever time.

We see no value in following the pack – in fact, we tend to go against the tide, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Who are our clients

Our services are directed towards investors and others with an existing or potential economic interest in commercial vessels:

  • Investors already in shipping, looking to:
    • Modify their approach
    • Make their investment more successful
    • Revive a struggling business
  • Potential investors, looking to enter the industry and seeking the best way.

Our services are all linked to strategic planning and the optimisation of the operation of vessels.

This spans from advice on the potential viability of business cases, structuring projects to running full ownership structures creating efficient transparent structures for various types of commercial vessels to trade efficiently and be ready to capitalize on that inevitable upside.

Our solutions are innovative and without baggage.